
I had one of those football coaches who not only cared about the team’s overall performance but cared about me as a person. 

When I was called into his office, I never worried about the conversation that was coming. Or when I messed up a play, I didn’t fear what was waiting for me on the sidelines.

My coach knew what I was capable of and encouraged me to become that player on and off the field. He wasn’t family or a close friend, he was a trusted coach and could say the hard things I needed to hear to grow because I knew he cared. In fact, there wasn't a player on the team that ever doubted he loved us.

Imagine having someone not just in your corner cheering you on, but who is FOR YOU, advocating and being a champion of who you are becoming and the things you can accomplish in life.

That kind of love is a power force working FOR YOU.

Fast forward many years to today, I am being impacted by a coach again who is advocating for me and the vision I have of who I am becoming and the things I want to accomplish. The time with my coach gives me the space and opportunity to focus on this vision and explore all that I’m capable of.

Do you have someone in your life who advocates for you?

Maybe now is the right time to step into a coaching relationship that gives you the space to explore all that you’re capable of with someone who is a fierce advocate FOR YOU.

Grab a time on my calendar here to schedule a FREE vision call.



